Taekwondo Kicks.

Learn all about the dynamic kicks that taekwondo is famous for.

The one aspect of martial arts that taekwondo is famous for is kicking. The reason for this is although most martial arts incorporate some form of kicking in their system, only taekwondo uses dynamic kicking combinations as the cornerstone of its philosophy.

Therefore, it makes sense for anyone who wants to progress in taekwondo to spend the time needed to master taekwondo kicks to the best of their ability. To do this a full understanding of the body mechanics involved in a kick are needed as well as where and when the kick should be used. With that in mind, I have put together a guide on the fundamental taekwondo kicks with instructions on how to use them. The guide will also include the targets on the body to aim at both in sport taekwondo and self-defense.

I also recommend that as you learn new taekwondo kicks you break the movements down into stages and practice them at mid-section only until you fully understand the mechanics involved and the movements feels natural. If you would like to learn more about the stances used with kicks please see our article on taekwondo stances.

If you don’t like scrolling simply use the table of contents to choose the taekwondo kicks you are interested in.

Table of contents.

The taekwondo front kick.

The taekwondo turning kick.

The taekwondo sidekick.

The taekwondo back kick.

The taekwondo hook kick.

The taekwondo spinning hook kick.

The taekwondo crescent kick.

The taekwondo axe kick.

The taekwondo 360 turning kick.

Taekwondo kicks – The front kick.

Although the front kick is the most basic of all taekwondo kicks, it is still one of the most effective ones there is for both sparring and self-defense. With this in mind, it is well worth spending the time needed to master this technique and doing so will also put you in good stead to learn more advanced kicks.

How to do the front kick.

To perform a right leg, rear, front snap kick, start in a fighting stance, lift your right knee and turn the foot of the supporting leg 45 degrees to the left to improve balance and open the hips. From there, fully extend the kicking leg and drive the ball of the foot into the target. Finally, recoil the leg back and return the foot to the starting position or place it in front of you to change stance.


1 Ensure the supporting leg is slightly bent and the foot rotates 45 degrees to the left.

2 Make sure the kick travels to and from the target in a straight line.

3 Thrust the hips forward as you kick to increase power.

4 For kicks to the groin use the instep but for all other targets use the ball of your foot to protect your toes and increase the power.

The target areas for self-defence.

The targets are the knee joint, the inner thigh, the groin, the solar plexus and underneath the chin.

The target areas for sport taekwondo.

The targets are the ribs, the solar plexus and underneath the chin.



Taekwondo kicks.
Taekwondo roundhouse kick.

Taekwondo kicks – The turning kick.

There are two versions of this kick, one is the traditional turning kick which is fast but not powerful. The other is the round kick, which is powerful but a bit slower.

How to do the turning kick.

To do a right leg, rear turning kick from a fighting stance. First, lift your right knee up as you would do for a front kick. From there, turn the kicking leg 90 degrees so that it is parallel to the floor and at the same time turn the foot of the supporting leg 180 degrees so that your toes point behind you. Next, fully extend your kicking leg, driving the ball of your foot or instep through the target. Finally, return recoil the leg back and return to the starting position. Alternatively, you can place your foot in front of you to change stance.


1 To hit higher targets you need to lift your knee as high as you can before you kick.

2 Make sure you always rotate the standing foot 180 degrees and chamber the kick properly before you complete the kick.

3 The kick relies on speed rather than power so it pays to master the lead leg turning kick as this is a lot faster,

The target areas for self-defense.

The kick lacks power so it is rarely used in self-defense.

The target areas for sport taekwondo.

The targets are the solar plexus, the ribs, and the head.

How to do the round kick.

To do a right leg, rear round kick, from a fighting stance. First, lift your right knee up and out to the side at a forty-five-degree angle. From there, start the kick ensuring that as you move you turn your kicking leg so that it is parallel to the floor. Finally, extend the kicking leg and drive through the target. The technique of this kick is such that if there was no target your kicking leg would travel 360 degrees and return to the start position.


1 make sure you lift the knee to the side at a forty-five-degree angle for maximum power.

2 Make sure you don’t pull your kick and instead drive right through the target.

3 For this kick use your lower shin to hit the target to increase power and prevent injury.

The target areas for self-defense.

The immense power of the kick means that in full contact or self-defense it can be truly devastating when used against the leg, the ribs, the solar plexus, and the head.

The target areas for Sport taekwondo.

The lack of speed in this kick means it is not used is sport taekwondo.

Taekwondo kicks – The side kick.

The sidekick is the most iconic of all taekwondo kicks but for many people, it is also the most difficult to learn. Having said that, once you have mastered it, you will have one of the most beautiful and effective kicks that there is, in your arsenal.

How to do the sidekick.

The easiest way to learn the sidekick is, to begin with, a front leg, sidekick, from a side stance. This helps because you do not need to rotate your hips and can simply lift the knee and do the kick. So, to do a right leg, front sidekick from a side stance. First, lift your right knee and point it to the left. At the same time rotate the foot of your supporting leg 180 degrees so that your toes point directly behind you. Next, kick out in a straight line and use your heal to smash through the target. Finally, bring the leg back and return it to the starting position.


1 The rear leg sidekick is more difficult to execute so I recommended that you master the front leg version first.

2 Practice the sidekick at waist height first so that balance and flexibility do not inhibit perfecting the technique.

3 When you first begin to practice this kick it is best to break it down into three stages. One, bring the leg to the chamber position. Two, Thrust the kick out and bring it back. Three, return the leg to the starting position.

The target areas for self-defense.

The targets are the shin, the knee joint, the groin, the ribs, the solar plexus, and the head.

The target areas for sport taekwondo.

The targets are the ribs, the solar plexus, and the head.

Taekwondo Kicks – The back kick.

The back kick, one of the first taekwondo kicks a student learns, can be a bit tricky to master at first because most students will naturally turn it into a sidekick. Having said that, once the kick is perfected, it is without a doubt, one of the most powerful leg strikes that there is, and will drop an opponent instantly. It is also one of the few taekwondo kicks that can be used effectively in both sport and self-defense.


There are two versions of the back kick. One is the basic back kick designed to kick an opponent attacking you from behind. The other is the spinning back kick designed to strike an opponent in front of you.

How to do the basic back kick.

To do a basic back kick with your right leg from a fighting stance. First, turn your head 45 degrees to look over your right shoulder and use your peripheral vision to spot the target. At the same time lift your right knee as if you were doing a front kick. From there, kick directly behind you making sure the kick travels in a straight line. Finally, kick through the target with your heel and return the leg to the starting position. Alternatively, place your leg directly in front of you to change stance.


1 Make sure you don’t turn your head more than 45 degrees or it will turn it into a sidekick.

2 Try to brush the calf of your kicking leg across your supporting leg as you kick out. This helps ensure that the kick travels in a straight line.

3 Make sure you lift the knee of the kicking leg in a position similar to a front kick before your strike. This also ensures the kick travels in a straight line and prevents it from turning into a sidekick.

4 There is a natural tendency to want to lean forward with this kick. Whilst a bit of a lean is ok, leaning too much will mean that the kick has less power and you are likely to lose your balance as you hit the target.

The target areas for self-defense.

The targets would be the groin, the solar plexus, and the head.

The target areas for sport taekwondo.

As the basic back kick is used to strike opponents attacking from behind, it is not suitable for sport.

The spinning back kick.

Unlike the basic back kick which targets an opponent attacking you from behind, the spinning back kick targets an opponent directly in front of you. Apart from this, the kick is identical to the basic back kick except for a spin before the strike. The addition of the spin adds tremendous power to the kick making it a devastating blow that can drop an opponent either in sparring or the street.

How to do the spinning back kick.

As mentioned, this kick is identical to the basic back kick except for the addition of a spin. To execute a right leg, spinning back kick, you need to be in a side stance. One way this can be achieved is by lifting the ball of your left foot and turning it to the right so that both feet are parallel. Another way is to slide the back leg across until both are parallel. Once you are in a side stance, turn the ball of the left foot 180 degrees so that you are now facing away from the target. From there simply perform the basic back kick with the right leg and return to the starting position. Alternatively, you can place the right leg in front of you to change stance.


1 As with the basic version of the kick make sure you do not turn your head more than 45 degrees or you risk the strike turning into a sidekick.

2 Ensure you get into a side stance before you execute the kick.

3 Use your momentum to drive your bodyweight forward ensuring all your power goes into the target.

The target areas for self-defense.

The target areas are the groin, the ribs, the solar plexus, and the head.

The target areas for sport taekwondo.

This kick will drop any opponent hit in the solar plexus, the other targets would be the ribs or the head.

For more information on all taekwondo kicks have a look at the Kukkiwon

Taekwondo kicks – The hook kick.

The hook kick is very similar to the sidekick and is chambered in the same way. However, unlike the sidekick which travels in a straight line, the hook kick changes direction just before contact. The speed and deceptive nature of the kick makes it a good point scorer in sport taekwondo. However, the kick is of little use in self-defense situations because the only effective target is the head and it would take a skilled taekwondo practitioner to have both the ability and confidence to attempt this in a street fight.

How to do the hook kick.

To do a right, front leg hook kick, begin in a side stance and chamber the right leg exactly like you would for a sidekick. From there, you execute a sidekick but aim 45 degrees to the left-hand side of the target. As the leg reaches full extension, accelerate the kick and use a circular motion to drive

your heel into the object. Finally, bring the leg back and then return it to the starting position. Alternatively, you can place the kicking leg in front of you to change stance.


1 In the chambered position your kicking leg should be parallel to the ground or your kick will travel in an upward or downward direction.

2 Accelerate the kick as you hook it into the target.

3 For point scoring the closer to the target, you aim your kick, the less time the opponent has to react. However, this will also reduce the power of the strike.

The target areas for self-defense.

As mentioned, I would never use a hook kick in a street fight. This is because the only effective target is the head and it takes an accomplished fighter to pull it off in that situation.

The target areas for sport taekwondo.

The targets would be the ribs or the head.

More information on taekwondo kicks at taekwondoanimals.

Taekwondo kicks – The spinning hook kick.

The spinning hook kick is in my opinion, the second most devastating kick in sport taekwondo. Unlike the basic hook kick which is fast but lacks power, the torque of the spinning version builds up such power that a correctly landed kick will knockout anyone.  The result of such power, aligned with the fact that spinning kicks tend to confuse opponents means that this kick is one of the best taekwondo kicks you can have in your sport arsenal. However, because the only effective target is the head, I would not recommend you try this kick in self-defense situations because if you don’t land it you could be in a heap of trouble.

How to do the spinning hook kick.

Just like with the spinning back kick you have to be in a side stance to do this kick. To get into this stance you can lift the ball of the front foot inwards so that both feet are parallel. Alternatively, you can slide your back foot parallel to your front one. Once you are in a side stance, turn the heel of your front foot 180 degrees so that you have your back to the target. Next, look over your shoulder to spot the target. Finally, execute a basic hook kick and return to the starting position. Alternatively, you can place the kicking leg in front of you to change stance.


1 Ensure you look over your shoulder to spot the target.

2 Try to keep your body upright throughout the kick as leaning disrupts your balance.

3 Try to complete the kick in one fluid motion rather than pausing after the spin.

The target areas for self-defense.

The targets are the same as for the basic hook. So, in self-defense, the only real target would be the head but that is a very risky move.

The target areas for sport taekwondo.

The targets are the ribs or the head.


Taekwondo side kick.
Taekwondo front kick.

Taekwondo kicks – The crescent kick.

One of the advantages of this strike is that unlike other taekwondo kicks it does not require a great deal of flexibility to kick to the head. In fact, after the front kick, it is probably the easiest kick to learn and to kick high with. Although, not the most powerful of strikes, the crescent kick it is still of great value in sport taekwondo as it can be disguised effectively and can, therefore, be a good point scorer. However, because the only realistic target is the head this is another one of the taekwondo kicks that would rarely be used in self-defense situations.


There are two different versions of this taekwondo kick which are the outward crescent kick and the inward one.

How to do the outward crescent kick.

To do a right leg, rear, outward crescent kick from a fighting stance. First, turn the lead foot 45 degrees to the left and the right knee up and 45 degrees to the left. From there, begin the kick 45 degrees to the left of the target and use a circular motion to strike with the outside of your lower heel. Finally, return the foot to the starting position or place it in front of you to change stance.

How to do the inner crescent kick.

To do a right leg, rear, inner crescent kick from a fighting stance. First, turn the lead foot 45 degrees to the left. Next, lift the right knee 45 degrees to the right of the target. From there, use a circular motion to strike and hit the target with the inside of your lower heel. Finally, return the foot to the starting position or place it in front of you to change stance.

Tips for both kicks.

1 Always turn the foot of the supporting leg 45 degrees to the outside for correct hip alignment.

2 Keep your body as upright as possible during the kick for better balance and power.

3 Keep the toes of the kicking foot pointing upwards during the kick to help ensure the kick travels in the correct direction.

The target areas for self-defense.

The kick can be used on the back of the knee or lower leg to disrupt an attacker’s balance. The only other target is the head but this is risky.

The target areas in sport taekwondo.

The targets in sport would be the ribs or the head.

Taekwondo kicks – The axe kick.

The axe kick involves lifting your leg above your opponent and smashing it down on to his head or collar bone. The kick can be very effective in sport taekwondo and it is not uncommon to see a knockout with a perfectly timed axe kick. However, because of the need to raise the kicking leg above the opponent’s head, it does require a good level of hamstring flexibility to execute. It is also true that you are in a vulnerable position during the execution of the kick so for this reason, it is rarely used in self-defense situations.


There are three versions of the basic axe kick. one which travels in a straight line similar to a rising kick, one that starts like an inward crescent kick and one that starts similar to an outward crescent kick.

The basic axe kick.

To do a right leg, rear, basic axe kick from a fighting stance. First, turn the lead foot 45 degrees to the left and lift your right knee as you would for a front kick. From there, kick up above the opponent’s head and as the leg reaches full extension bring it straight on to the target. To cause real damage you can use your heel to hit the target but in sparring or light contact you would use the ball of the foot.

How to do the outward axe kick.

To do a right leg, rear, outward, axe kick from a fighting stance. First, turn the lead foot 45 degrees to the outside and lift the right knee 45 degrees to the left. From there, kick in an outward semi-circular motion bringing the kick above the opponent’s head and then smashing it down on to the target. Again, you would use the heel to cause damage but the ball of the foot for sparring.

How to do the inward axe kick.

To do a right leg, rear, inward, axe kick from a fighting stance. First, turn the lead foot 45 degrees to the outside and lift the right knee 45 degrees to the right. From there, kick in an inward semi-circular motion bringing the kick above the opponent’s head and then smashing it down on to the target. The same rules as the ones for the other axe kicks apply regarding whether to use the heel or the ball of the foot.

Tips for all three kicks.

1 make sure you turn the non-kicking foot 45 degrees to the outside for correct hip placement.

2 Make sure you keep your kicking leg bent as you chamber the kick to increase power and make the kick less telegraphic.

3 Keep your kicking leg slightly bent as you hit the target to prevent hyperextending your leg.

The target areas for self-defense.

The target would be the head. This is a risky move, but an axe kick to the head of an attacker who is crouched over, or has been winded would make sense.

The target areas for sport taekwondo.

The targets would be the head, the collar bone, and the chest if your opponent is leaning back.

Taekwondo kicks – The 360 turning kick.

The 360 turning kick is a very impressive technique that most taekwondo beginners want to learn. As well as looking great in demonstrations, the kick is also one of the most powerful strikes in martial arts and so it is understandable that it is one of the most popular taekwondo kicks. However, as spectacular as the kick is, it is worth noting that it does require a good level of athleticism and a fair degree of hip flexibility to execute properly. Having said that, most students should be able to develop a reasonably good 360 with patience and practice and it can be effective in sparring if it is used sparingly and at the right time.

How to do the 360 turning kick.

Before you can learn this taekwondo kick, it is necessary to master the basic turning kick as the 360 is simply a turning kick with a spin and a jump. To execute a 360 with the right leg first get into a side stance. From there, turn the ball of the right foot 180 degrees so that you have your back to your opponent. Next, look over your shoulder to spot the target and continue to turn until you end up almost facing your opponent. At this point, you lift the knee of the non-kicking leg and tilt it 45 degrees for correct hip alignment. Once you are in this position the kick is completed by jumping whilst at the same time switching legs so that the knee of the kicking leg is raised and your kick through the target.


Just like the basic turning kick, the 360 has two different versions. One is the traditional kick that requires you to snap the leg back after hitting the target. The second one requires you to kick all the way through.


1 It is important to perfect the basic turning kick before moving onto the 360.

2 Make sure you spot the target as kicking blind means you will miss, and leave yourself wide open to counters.

3 If you struggle to do this kick, it is a good idea to break down the technique into stages.

The Target areas for self-defense.

The targets are the legs, the ribs, the solar plexus, and the head. However, it is worth remembering that this is a relatively slow kick that leaves you open to counters.

The Target areas for sport taekwondo.

The targets are the ribs, the solar plexus, and the head.

We appreciate all your comments and questions so please feel free to contact us. If you want to learn more about all aspects of taekwondo please visit our homepage.